úterý 27. listopadu 2012

Celia (2009)

Well, what can I say about this?
Celia is very short drama. I like it, because Dakota is speaking here all the time. She is great, I like her character. Nervous character.
I saw it in English with subtitles. I love her voice ♥.
The story in the movie is very reall, that is the interesting on this movie.


Dakota in Siri

Thank you Siri.
Siri found Dakota.

neděle 25. listopadu 2012

UltraPowerfull song (Man on Fire soundtrack)

Hi, I have to tell you something.

Since 9.11.2012 (I saw Man on Fire) I have new favourite song.
It is Lisa Gerrard - The End (Man on Fire soundtrack).

I don't understand a single word, but I still love it.
It is supplying me a memories, encouraging mood and it is very emotional.
If you did not see Man on Fire yet, you have to see it soon. It is really one of the best film I ever seen - full of action, but it have something more, you can see how terrible things can happen on this planet. When I hear it, I see Dakota, running through the bridge with tears in her eyes...

If you want to hear paradise, click on his vid:

sobota 24. listopadu 2012

Dakota Fanning sister

Did you know Dakota have a sister?
I discovered it a month after War of the Worlds .
I think, they are divine siblings.
From Elle I saw only Super 8 (great film).
I thought about it. How is this possible? Two sisters, two great actress. 
It is about their parents? Or they are both ultrataleted? Once I will ask Dakota.
Dakota Fanning with her sister Elle Fanning. Photo from young. Are not they amazing?

Elle is only 14 and she is taller than Dakota :).
I like Elle Fanning, she is good looking, but Dakota is much better. (Dakota is the best).

pondělí 19. listopadu 2012

Dakota Fanning timeline


Year: 2001
Wow. Dakota Fanning in 2001. Is not she beautiful?
My reason: Well, she was beautiful as a child. I like her films from her childhood. It is interesting for me. Your smile is best smile ever. It is giving me good feeling. She is so talented!

Year: 2002
Dakota Fanning kissing a boy in 2002.

My reason: She is so pretty in Sweet Home Alabama! This year is really great! You are so beautiful when you are kissing a boy and have eyes closed.

Year: 2003
Dakota Fanning in 2003.

My reason: Yeah, she is nice, but still only small pretty child. Your smile is full of beauty!

Year: 2004
Dakota Fanning in 2004. Man on fire.

My reason: I like this year very much! Man on Fire is one of the best films I ever see. Why are you so awesome?

Year: 2005
Dakota Fanning in 2005.

My reason: You are great in movies of this year and you are inteligent like a 15 years old girl. You are so good exceptional.

Year: 2006

My reason: Oh. I like this year very very much. When I was 9 I saw Charlotte's Web. Good film for children. But I saw it this year again and I still like it!!

Year: 2007
Extreme lovely Dakota in 2007. Hounddog.

My reason: Maybe this is my most favourite year. You are 13. You are singing (love your voice!) and Hounddog is my favourite film. YOU ARE SO AMAZING.

Year: 2008

My reason: You are really good looking with this hair colour. I did not see Secret life of Bees yet, but I am going to see it this weekend. You had a lot of work in 2008, but your films - awesome.

Year: 2009

My reason: In this year you was 15, right? Time is running really fast. Your eye views and brisk voice - that is what I love in films you did in 2009.

Year: 2010
My reason: coming soon

My reason:
coming soon

Year: 2012
My reason:
coming soon


I have one wish for you.
If you like my blog, please share it. Or just thumb up.
It makes me really happy and you will help me much.
If you have some idea or plea, write it to comments.
I am looking forward for your reasons.

P.S - Sorry for no posting, I am testing design of blog.

neděle 18. listopadu 2012

Interesting articles

Hi this is my first post from my phone.
I found a page with a lot of interesting articles about Dakota. Now I know a lot of new things about her. She is so interesting, inteligent and beautiful.
Here is the webpage: http://www.showbizspy.com/article/tag/dakota-fanning
You can learn about Dakota and her life.
It is so great, that I have to share it with you!

Love you so much!

Breaking Dawn Part Two

Hello everybody.

I returned from the cinema right now!

Well, Breaking Dawn 2 is definitely best of Twilight saga.

Dakota is not lead in this film.
When she throw the vampire kid to the fire, she was really cute.
One moment in that film was a little brutal. When wolf attacked Jane and killed her... However, it was not like in Hounddog (when she was raped). In this movie, she deserved to die (so it was not so terrible for me).
Dakota Fanning as Jane in Breaking Dawn part 2

Finally, nobody died.

It was really good! I enjoyed it.

I want to become a vampire. Because I want to stay with Dakota forever.

Seen: 18.11.2012

sobota 17. listopadu 2012

I am Sam (2001)

Today I saw this movie. I think, in this movie Dakota begin her big life.
She is really AWESOME in this movie, when she was seven years old.

I like this movie, I like plot of this movie.
Once in the film I saw Elle Fanning - Dakota's sister. Dakota and Elle are best sisters ever.

Dakota Fanning in I am Sam (Lucy Diamond Dawson)
 It was good drama with good ending - I love good ends.

 But, one thing is really really sad. We are growing up so fast :( I am in depression, every time when I thought about it. Life is too short!
I saw it: 17.11.2012

pátek 16. listopadu 2012

My soul (translate coming soon)

 Hello all!
 Translate of my text is coming soon.


mám toho v duši strašně moc. Nechce se mi to držet v sobě. Rozhodl jsem se, otevřít ji a vypustit z ní všechno.

Nejdřív jsem si z lásky nic nedělal. Když jsem byl zamilovaný v jedenácti letech, bral jsem lásku jako hezký pocit. To, že jsem se doopravdy zamiloval do Dakoty mi hodně pomohlo pochopit jak silná láska je.

Mým největším kamarádem se stala ona. Ona je tu vždycky a v každé situaci.

Na začátku jsem se s tím všude svěřoval. Psal jsem na různé portály, aby mi pomohli, poradili jak se "odmilovat", ikdyž jsem věděl, že to takřka nejde. Dostal jsem odpovědi, že se jedná o platonickou lásku. Pojem platonická láska jsem si našel na internetu a skutečně, je obvyklá u lidí v mém věku. Měla by trvat maximálně tři měsíce. Byl jsem rád, že jsem dostal odpověď a věděl jsem co se se mnou děje. Těšil jsem se až to opadne. Teď jsem ale rád, že láska neopadla. Já si vlastně už ani neumím představit, že jí nemiluju. Stalo se to součást mého každodenního života. Myslím na ni ve volném čase, když nemám co dělat, ve škole, když usínám, když někam jdu... Když se vám zdá sen o někom, koho milujete, je to krásné. Láska je krásná, kdybych jí neměl přišel bych o všechno co s ní přichází.

S postupem času jak se moje láska zvětšovala, jsem měl čím dál tím horší náladu, a nemohl jsem se smířit s tím, že jí nikdy neuvidím. Jsem jen další člověk co jí miluje. Miluje jí spousta lidí. Rozhodl jsem se udělat něco víc, než ji jen napsat pod fotku, že jí miluju. Proto jsem založil tenhle blog. Co můžete udělat pro člověka, co je slavný a bohatý? Téměř nic. Jediná věc, co mě napadlo, je dát mu najevo, co strašně pro mě znamená. Řekl jsem si, že zkusím to, co jsem považoval za nemožné. Když opomenu strach z neúspěchu, strach z ponížení, strach z porážky a půjdu pořád dál, tak to dokážu. Věřím, že jo. Doufám, že jestli je mi souzeno ji nikdy nevidět, že se o tom nedozvím, protože snažit se nepřestanu. Nikdy.

Když koukám na její fotku, cítím jak mi buší srdce a je mi hned lépe. Když koukám na film, kde je jí zle, je mi zle a přeju si ať to skončí. Když se usmívá, cítím že je mi lépe. Když tohle dokáže film, co pak dokáže pocit, že ona existuje. Sice je daleko, je to dlouhá cesta, ale je tam. Šance tam je a naděje umírá poslední.

Občas se sám sebe ptám co bych vlastně chtěl. Odpověď je, že bych se chtěl s Dakotou kamarádit. To by mi tak strašně stačilo. Chtěl bych umět něco výjimečného. Vím, že když budu obyčejný nemám sebemenší šanci se s tebou setkat. Já se nechci smířit s tím, že tě nikdy neuvidím, tak jsem se tomu postavil.
Život mám jen jeden a myslím, že dětsví je nejlepší období. Je jenom na každém z nás jak ho prožijem. Jsem přesvědčený, že láska je ta nejlepší volba.

Nic není tak velký cíl abych se tomu nepostavil. Láska je zázrak. A když je takhle silná je to obří dar. Mám Dakotu radši než cokoliv na tomhle světě. Vyměnil bych roky za chvíle s ní. Tohle je věc, která mi zůstane navždy. Zatím je to jen sen.

My ideal fancy

Hello. I am thinking about one moment. One moment - I want carry out in the future:

I'm wearing a black jacket. Nervously waiting in front of one of the best restaurants in town and waiting for Dakota. And then,she finally arrives. I'm so happy that finally I can see her. My life's goal is fulfilled. I'm nervous about the fact that something will corrupt. Shake hands and kiss her on the cheek. At that moment, I completed all of my dreams and I am extreme happy. I kissed her - I've always wanted it ( my heart is pounding really fast). We go to a restaurant together wordlessly. The waiter placed us at the table. We sit at the table. I have not let her out of my eyes. I am looking on her, beacause she is very very very beautiful. Then I tell her what she means to me. I tell her, that only because belief I completed all what I ever wanted.
Then we just talking. I ask her how she is doing. We talk together about all the things. Then the waiter brings the food. She says it's a great meal. Then just eat and talk about nonsense. Often we laugh together and we are happy.

Finally she will say: " Thank you for dinner. It was great. I really enjoyed this evening! I hope I will see you again."
I will tell her: "You are the best person on this planet. This evening was my best moment in my life. I will love you forever."
Dakota is my friend, I have her personal e-mail adress so I can contact her anytime I want.
Then, my life is complete. 

Opinion on interviews


Every day I search interviews, compilations and lot of videos with Dakota.
I like to watch them.

Seriously, I have never seen before so clever child.
I love her interviews, for many reasons.
She always bring some gift and it is so pretty.
She already knew how to argument, express and talk like an adult!
She smiles very often and I really like watching her interviews - I can not believe, when she was eight years, she was so clever (now, she is clever too of course!).

You look so clever, talented, professional and pretty in every interview.

You are the best.

čtvrtek 15. listopadu 2012

Sad sad thinking

Just think of what situation I am. The truth is that I am nothing. I am just one of thousands of ordinary people who love you.
But I'm sure that I'm not just another person. I do not want them to be. Believe me, if I could, I gave years of my life for a few moments with you. I feel like I have my heart beats only for you. I feel there is not another reason to life. It does not exist, because you are my reason.
I'm glad that happened to me. That I can dream about you every night. You give me joy, happiness, and such strange feelings. I love you so much. It would make me cry, but I can not. I am not a wimp. I am not giving up. As long as my heart will beat I will love you.
You're the greatest treasure I could ever find.
I know that if I believe I can do it. My desire is strong.

I would like to tell you how much I love you. But it's not just words. I can not draw it. It's something more.

středa 14. listopadu 2012

Dakota Fanning - boyfriend?

I am so so so tired of serching Dakota Fanning boyfriend.
I'm jealous. I am very jealous.
I found this site: http://www.whosdatedwho.com/tpx_3017/freddie-highmore/ .
But I believe it is not true. I really believe.

The truth will break my heart.
But if it is true - Are you happy with him?
- if yes, it is ok
- I am jealous, but when you are happy I am happy too
I wish you good relationship.
Dakota Fanning boyfriend. Freddie, you are so lucky. Do you know it?

Dakota Fanning and brown hair


Today I do not have much time.

I have to say my opinion on brown colour of your hair.

I always thought that I could love only blonde.
I was wrong.

Dakota Fanning with brown hair. You are most beautiful girl ever.

I like your new hair!
I can look to your eyes a hour. 
I love you all the way. I love you with blonde hair, I love you like a brunette.
I hate that I was born in the Czech Republic.
I could see you live.
But I can not flee to America.
I will try to move to the U.S.A.

So, I will love you forever!!! 

úterý 13. listopadu 2012

Dakota - stone GIF

Hello, this is my first GIF, so it is not very good. But it takes a lot of time.
I hope you like my first GIF. 

I love you, Dakota.

Happy or not?

How as she lives?

I ask myself many times. How is he living her life?

I wish her happiness.

And I think she is happy with her friends.
I saw some photos of her graduation, and she looks perfect.
She is happy, right? :)

I admire her. It's pretty good at school and also a great actress!
I know she has a lot of good and real friends.

I hate paparazzis, who annoy you.

pondělí 12. listopadu 2012

Now is Good

I did not see it yet.

The Runaways

I did not see it yet.

The Twilight saga

I think Twilight saga is good.
I discovered it, when I was looking on Dakota Fanning's films.

I heard about twilight saga only from facebook. There are lot of pictures saying: Twilight is book for gays, Twilight is about nothing etc.

I do not think so. In my opinion, it is very good love story.
I like Dakota's character in Twilight.

So, thank you Dakota. Only because you I discovered Twilight and try to watch it. You are great!
Dakota Fanning - Jane Volturi
Twilight saga.

P.S - I am going to see you in the cinema 18.11.2012!
I am looking forward for the last part of Twilight. And for you, of course!
Love you.

Today's thought

Hello everybody.
Today I had a long while. So I thought about Dakota. I was thinking about future and about love.

I believe, once I will meet you. I really believe. Because it is my dream.

I think, love is about two things.

First thing: Love is beautiful feeling. It sometimes makes you happy. Love can do everything. It can change everything. If you are lucky in love, I envy you. You are happiest person on this world. I wish you good luck.

Second thing: Sometimes, love is horrible thing. Trust me. I know it from my own experience. But I think, when you go for your dream, you can be stronger than love. You can beat it.

That is my opinion. Thank for reading.

Dakota as mobile phone wallpaper

I set on my iPhone new wallpaper.
I think it is about month ago.
If I close an app, I always look to your eyes. I can look on your face for very long time. And I only thinking about future. I hope I will meet you.
I love you Dakota!
Dakota Fanning wallpaper

If you want this wallpaper on your mobile too, just click HERE.

Your name on woodland

Hello all, I went to the woods today.
So, I made this.
Dakota Fanning on woodland.

neděle 11. listopadu 2012

Flying love

Today I went to our forest. I love Dakota so much, so I created flying love.
What is it? Look.

Step 1:
  Step 2: (find a forest)
 Step 3: (chose a good tree)

 Step 4: Climb up the tree
 Step 5: Do this:

 Step 6: Go down
 Step 7:
 And now just enjoy.

Dakota is my motivation

What I have to do, to meet Dakota?
Sure. It is not easy.
For Dakota, I started programming.
I really like it. Maybe, once I will be really good.
I want to meet you Dakota. That is my dream.

And I started writing a book.
It is really good. I have 70 000 words and it is not bad.
I will try to publish it.

I am doing what I can to meet you.

I love you more than all on this world.
You are my motivation.

Dakota's first kiss

I love this video.
However, I am jealous.
I love that.

Why would you want to marry me for anyhow? So I can kiss you anytime I want.

  When I looking on that video, my heart is pounding very fast.
You are so GREAT!!!!!!!

Hard to take it

You are most beautiful for ever.
I like you when you was 9. I like you when you was 13.
I like you everytime.
Now you are 18. Wow.
You can not stop growing up.
Its really sad.
Life is too hard.
I can not take it.
I love you. You are my life.
I want meet you in 20.
Stop growing up. Please.
Love you.

For you Dakota

Greeting from Czech Republic!
This is for you. I made it.
I love you.
From our forest. I really love you.

For you Dakota (shells)

This is for you.
It is from shells in Great Britain.
For Dakota Fanning, from me.

This is for you, from me.

Push (2009)

Good movie. I enjoyed it!
Dakota Fanning in Push. I like your pink hair!
Dakota have really good character in this movie.
Cassie. I like that name. Cassie. It sounds really good!
OK. I think this is good film.
I love you so much. You are best!

You can read about Push here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Push_%282009_film%29

The secret life of Bees (2008)

I did not see it yet.

Fragments (2008)


I do not like this film. For me, it is not action and it is about nothing.

However, I like Dakota in this movie. She is praying here a much. I like it, because when she is praying she looks very pretty.
Dakota Fanning in Fragments

Cutlass (2007)

I did not see it yet.

Hounddog (2007)

This is hard for me.

Rewrite from my paper blog:

Now it is 55.th minute of that film.
Dakota is being raped! Right now.
Severely hurts the heart.
I can not watch it. 
But I must see it full.
OK, I am going to see it. :(
Dakota before rape. I HATE THIS PART!!!!! I HATE IT!!!

I worry what will happen next.  
This is good film, but for me, it is pain.
Oh my god. I did it.
I am sorry for all.
Sorry Dakota.
I love you so much! 

P.S - I love when you are singing.


Lewellen lives with her stern, religious grandmother, Grannie, who has taken it upon herself to raise the girl, as neither of Lewellen's parents can provide her a stable home. Her father, Lou, loves her and tries to please her, giving her gifts such as Elvis Presley recordings. Although he battles with alcoholism, he tries his best to give Lewellen a stable home. He even tries to provide a motherly figure in Lewellen's life by dating a mysterious girlfriend, Ellen, who promised one night to rescue Lewellen from life in the rural South should the relationship falter. We later learn that Ellen is in fact Lewellen's aunt, her mother's sister.
Lewellen is able to maintain her innocence by finding consolation in playing with her best friend Buddy, idling away her last preteen summer with typical outdoor rural pastimes such as swimming in the pond and exploring the woods, meeting a new friend, Grasshopper, while spending the summer with her grandparents. Lewellen is enchanted by her idol, Elvis Presley, who is making a homecoming tour in the South. Her town is one of the venue stops. Lewellen finds that singing Elvis' music is a way to channel her trauma into something constructive and creative. Charles (Afemo Omilami) acts as a mentor, imparting wisdom of his snake handler religion to explain this emotional channeling to her; in other words, how to create something positive out of something venomous and deadly.
Lewellen is challenged by many problems besides living in a "broken home". Ellen leaves one day and breaks Lewellen's heart, burdening her with the responsibility to be a "mother" despite not having one herself. Her father suffers a terrible accident, and is handicapped to the point of infantile retardation, but the thought of Elvis coming to town gives her the resolve to carry on despite this newest of many traumatic circumstances. Buddy tells Lewellen that Wooden's Boy has an Elvis ticket and is willing to give it to her if she does her Elvis dance for him naked. When she finds out the deal, she for a moment questions doing such an act. She then agrees to do so, before Wooden's Boy rapes her.
The sexual assault causes life-threatening emotional trauma, that manifests as an illness. Her loved ones, Charles and Grannie, are distressed by her sudden decline in health. In fits of feverish illness she hallucinates she is being attacked by venomous snakes, and she also vomits after church. Enraged by hearing the cause of Lewellen's descent into figurative hell, Charles resolves to rescue his young friend from the depths of despair and tries to help her reclaim her stolen paralyzed voice by encouraging her to sing "Hound Dog". He nurses her back to health. Ellen soon returns to the town to keep her promise to Lewellen. Lewellen bids farewell to her father and departs for a better life with her new mother.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hounddog_%28film%29  
Datum: 10.11.2012 

Charlotte's Web (2006)

Wow, great movie.
I think, i saw it when I was 9.
Now I saw it again.
In the film, she is 12 years old. I love when he smiles Dakota.
I love her voice.
In the film, she's looking good and she is extreme cute.

Fern. I love you!

One spring, on a farm in Maine, Fern Arable (Dakota Fanning) learns that her father plans to kill the runt of a litter of newborn pigs. She successfully begs him to spare its life. He gives it to her, who names him Wilbur and raises him as her pet. To her regret, when he grows into an adult pig, she is forced to take him to the Zuckerman farm, where he is to be prepared as dinner in due time.
Charlotte A. Cavatica (Julia Roberts), a spider, lives in the space above Wilbur's sty in the Zuckermans' barn; she befriends him and decides to help prevent him from being eaten. With the help of the other barn animals, including a rat named Templeton (Steve Buscemi), she convinces the Zuckerman family that Wilbur is actually quite special, by spelling out descriptions of him in her web: "Some pig", "Terrific", "Radiant" and "Humble". She gives her full name, revealing her as a barn spider, an orb-weaver spider with the scientific name Araneus cavaticus.
The Arables, Zuckermans, Wilbur, Charlotte, and Templeton go to a fair, where Wilbur is entered in a contest. While there, Charlotte produces an egg sac. She cannot return home because she is dying. Wilbur tearfully says goodbye to her but manages to take her egg sac home, where hundreds of offspring emerge. Most of the young spiders soon leave, but three, named Joy, Aranea, and Nellie, stay and become Wilbur's friends.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlotte%27s_Web_%282006_film%29

Dreamer (2005)

I did not see it yet.

War of the Worlds (2005)

This film is legendary for me.

This is film, where it all began.

Well, it was normal evening. 17.8.2012. I was bored. So I ask my mother "Do you have some good film?"
She gave me film - War of the Worlds.

When I saw her in the film, I immediately fall in love.

I think it is good movie. 

Dakota stands there in a beautiful form. I love her hair. I love her face.
I love you Dakota. You are best. 
Dakota in War of the Worlds

War of the Worlds is a 2005 American science fiction disaster film and a loose adaptation of H. G. Wells's novel of the same name, directed by Steven Spielberg and written by Josh Friedman and David Koepp. It stars Tom Cruise as Ray Ferrier, a divorced dock worker estranged from his children (Dakota Fanning and Justin Chatwin) and living separately from them. As his ex-wife drops their children off for him to look after for a few days, the planet is invaded by aliens (loosely based on H. G. Wells' Martians) driving Tripods and as earth's armies are defeated, Ray tries to protect his children and flee to Boston to rejoin his ex-wife. 

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_of_the_Worlds_%282005_film%29

Hide and Seek (2005)

I do not like this movie very much.
However, Dakota is great in this movie.
She have brown hair in this movie. I prefer her natural colour.
But it does not matter. She is still most beautiful girl on the world.

I think that film is not horror. I think it is only thriller.

 Datum when i see it: 1.9.2012

Nine lives (2004)

I did not see it yet.

Man on Fire (2004)

Notice: I have paper blog. I will rewrite informations from my paper blog to here.
Paper blog => this website.

I just saw this movie.
Now, it is 23:15.
Makes me want to cry.
My love for Dakota is indescribable.
I love you!
My heart pounding.
Right now I'm crying.
I just realized that the only purpose of my life is to meet with Dakota.

I swear, once I tell her all.

"In the church they say to forgive."

"Forgiveness is between them and God. It's my job to arrange the meeting."

Datum: 9.11.2012 

Dr.Seuss'The cat in the hat

I did not see it yet.

Uptown Girls (2003)

I did not see it yet.

Hansel a Gretel

I did not see it yet.

Trapped (2002)

I did not see it yet.

Sweet home Alabama (2002)

I did not see it yet.

I am Sam (2001)

I did not see it yet.

About me

Well, I am 13 years old.
I have black hair and brown eyes.
I am from Europe, from Czech Republic, so I can not speak English very well.

My hobbies: juggling, programming, writing a book.

I can juggle four balls and four skittles.

Since the beginning of the school year  I programming. 

In April I started writing a book. Now I have 70 000 words. It is fantasy genre.
I think, my book is good.
Every time I go somewhere, I think about my book. I have a lot of ideas, so I write them in a book.
My dream: I have only one dream. I want meet Dakota Fanning. I want talk to her. My dream is kiss Dakota on her cheek. That is my dream. 

Love is my motivation. 

P.S - I have paper blog. So I will copy all informations from my blog to here.

About this blog.

Why did I do this blog?

Well, I did it, because I love actress Dakota Fanning.
I will tell all my secrets. I will post it on this blog.

I will write here all her films and my opinions on them.
I will write here everything, what I can.

Who is Dakota Fanning?

Hannah Dakota Fanning (born February 23, 1994), known as Dakota Fanning, is an American actress who rose to prominence after her breakthrough performance in the 2001 film I Am Sam. As a child actress, she appeared in high-profile films such as Man on Fire, War of the Worlds, and Charlotte's Web.
In 2006, Fanning began the transition to more adult roles with Hounddog and The Secret Life of Bees. Her recent films have included The Twilight Saga, the fantasy/horror animated children's movie Coraline, and The Runaways. In 2002, she became the youngest nominee for a Screen Actors Guild Award.


You can read more here.